Dayton Web Developers: September 2019

News from the Dayton Web Developers

— Allen May (@AllenHMay)

An Introduction to WebAssembly

— Guy Royse (@GuyRoyse)


  • Speakers and sponsors always wanted. Let's talk.
  • Who is Hiring? Who is Available?
  • Wifi: BuildRight / betterweb

What's on your mind?

Aug 12 Survey Results:

"Thank You" to Our Sponsors

Sparkbox always values the tech community and are proud to support the Dayton Web Developers group.

"Thank you" Bryan Braun for being here for us!

Open call for 2020 Full-Stack Developer Apprenticeship
Is this six-month full-stack apprenticeship for you?
Learn more and apply by October 1, 2019.

Languages, Libraries & Frameworks

Chrome 76

Dark Mode Support

        @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
          body {
            background-color: black;
            color: white;
Great overview of dark mode
MDN: prefers-color-scheme
CanIUse: prefers-color-scheme

Mithril 2.0 Released

Modern JS framework for building Single Page Applications
  • Released July 24th
  • 2.0 mostly formalizes minor breaking changes
  • Lightweight (10kb) React/Vue alternative
  • Plain ES5 syntax / KISS philosophy

Electron 6.0 Released

  • Released July 30th
  • Updated to Chrome 76 + Node 12.4
  • Lots of additional Promise support
  • A few breaking changes

React 16.9 Released

  • Released August 8th
  • codemod: componentWill* → UNSAFE_componentWill*
  • Deprecating [javascript:] URLs and [FactoryComponent]
  • Measure performance with <React.Profiler>
  • True: Sass Unit Testing
    True is a full-featured unit-testing library for Sass. The core functionality is written in pure SassScript, so it can be used anywhere Sass is compiled. Advanced features are available with our test-runner integration and Mocha.

Industry News

GitHub Supports CI/CD

Upcoming Events...

Next Month

  • October 2nd: Dayton Web Developers What's good content, and how do you write it? How do developers involve writers in their processes to get the best result? There are many forms of "content" at play on the websites we create -- videos, graphics, etc. -- but as a writer, Samantha is going to attack the pie of "content" from a words perspective.

Thank you for being part of the
Dayton Web Developers community!
Allen May (@AllenHMay)